Thursday, February 08, 2007

Piglets in Action

Food is always a tempting object for me. Eating is not only for the sake of keeping the body in function, more than that, it’s an awesome stress killer. Stress is hell and good food means heaven on earth… it’s never too much, it’s never enough, and it’s so addictive! The only thing that I regret is my little tummy, it so not fits my humongous appetite. For me, good food has to come in good package; wonderful presentation, pleasurable atmosphere, and right choice of beverage, will never quench my appetite… One thing to add that good companion is always gives me an optimal pleasure.

Speaking of good companion, my three girlfriends in the office have the same humongous appetite, and to accommodate our interest, starting 5 months ago we officially conduct a pig out session. At first, the piglets were only me, Shilla and Alit, but on the second round, we welcomed a new piglet, Riri. Alit and me have the same problem, little tummy, but Shilla and Ri are truly big eaters. Shilla is the piglet queen, has humongous appetite and very reliable tummy. Ri comes in second place, followed by Alit, and me in the last place.

The pig out system is simple; each piglet takes turns to treat other piglets. The host has the prerogative in choosing the pig out destination, but most of the time, the destination is chosen by voting. We aim to try as many kind of food, as long it doesn’t cost more than IDR 350.000 per session. Many times the bill exceeds the limit and when it happens, we split the rest amount.

Even tough we are so picky and have high taste, so far, we are still satisfied with the result; we’ve tried Italian, Peranakan, American, Chinese, and of course Indonesian food. The latest pig out was in December 2006, where we went to Dapur Baba Elite, serving superb Peranakan food with impressive presentation. The old Chinese interior with optimal lighting enriches the atmosphere, creates different sensation in dining… what an excellent combination! Anyway, I can’t wait for the next pig out session that will be conducted next week on Friday, February 9. I feel hungry already. I want foooooooooood…………….

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