A Disgusting Opinion on Indonesian Women

At glance, I wouldn't think this article is annoying as written on the title "More sex please, we're British", but after have read it, I say that it's the most disguisting article ever written. And why in the hell they could publish it?
The article was written by Duncan Graham, The Jakarta Post contributor lives in Surabaya, East Java. It was an interview to an old pensioner and former military pilot, Sheldon Archer, who apperently lives near Surabaya, in Probolinggo. The article is a story & confession about how Mr.old-b*****d Archer and his typical-village-woman-and-of-course-uneducated Indonesian wife, Yuyun, got together in a knot of marriage. Well, you would say, "what's wrong with that?"
What annoyed me is how he's ignorantly and so rude to describe his experience marries to an Indonesian woman...
This is what he said in the article:
"I could never have got married to someone like Yuyun if I was still in England. Here there are no problems", "I married a child", "Let's face it; every middle-aged man has a fantasy of making it with a young girl -- just ask Bill Clinton. Here in Indonesia fantasy can become fact"
Yeah, look how old he's and this village woman sees him as a money tree, no matter how old he is. In Indonesia, most in villages, sadly, the people always think that foreigners have better economic scale than Indonesian, which is true. So, that's why, Yuyun married him as her ticket to a better life. His statement on “fantasy”, is totally exaggerating & I don't think it's something that we, as Indonesian woman, can be proud of.
What really ignorant is this:
"I had to become a Muslim to marry. I just mumbled a few words I didn't understand. I'm not religious and Yuyun isn't serious about religion."
Hell, his statement is really degrading and has misperception on muslim marriage.
This article is nothing compared to the website run by him, as a very potential business. Check out An Asian Wife:
"Would you like a wife who never complains, nags or refuses sex? One who devotes her life to making you happy ... who will love you as a person and not as a meal ticket?"
Hey, the way he said as if a wife is similar as a dog. Of course, Yuyun & the rest of village women will never complains, nags or refuses sex. Have you ever heard about communication barrier? This is it, these women can’t speak your language & how could they say it!
More about this website, it’s you to judge…for me this site is more than just matchmaker service, it’s a human trafficking and hidden prostitution.
No wonder he said, "They'd call me a dirty old man back in my hometown Sheffield.”
I think you ‘re more than that!!!